Thursday, 9 June 2016


Dick Pountain/Idealog 258/06 January 2016 14:02

Regular readers might have gathered by now that music ranks equal first - alongside photography and programming - among my favourite recreations. In fact I combine all three in various ways, for example by applying filters to process my pictures, and by writing code to generate musical compositions. It's the latter that concerns me in this column. Around 14 years ago I first became interested in computer composition, and was inspired to write my own MIDI interface in Turbo Pascal v4 (my language squeeze of the time).

Rather than generating real-time music, this unit let me output MIDI files from Pascal programs, which could then be played in my sequencer of choice. I messed around for a while trying to do US-style minimalism (think Adams, Glass, Reich, Riley) constructing complex fugues and phase-change tunes that no human could play. The results never really satisfied me, partly because General MIDI instruments sounded pretty crap through the sound-cards of that era, and because I regularly ran up against shortage of memory problems, using what remained a more or less 16-bit development system. I put the project aside for around 10 years until another spurt of enthusiasm arrived (still using Turbo, but now running in a DOS box on a Pentium/Windows XP system). That time around I made some tunes that were sufficiently convincing to put up on SoundCloud, but there were still nagging problems.

Basically the structure of compiled Pascal confined me to writing quite short tunes. Using fixed length strings and arrays as my main data structures made long-range structure, like successive movements on a varying theme, just too cumbersome to achieve, but creating separate short movements and splicing them together by hand was cheating. My whole intention was to write single programs that generated pieces of recognizable music, interesting if not necessarily pleasant.

Around this time I finally shucked off my (increasingly anachronistic) addiction to Turbo Pascal and fell wildly for Ruby, as documented in previous columns, but never did quite get around to rewriting my composing system in it. There things rested again, until as described a couple of columns ago I remade acquaintance with the hitherto spurned Python language. In order to get up to speed in it I rewrote my venerable Poker program - first effort in Basic on Commodore Pet circa 1980; next in Delphi under Windows; last in Ruby circa 2002 - which translated with surprising ease into Python. Brimming with confidence I thought, it's now or never, and got stuck into rewriting my music system.

I struggled at first because the kind of bare-metal-bit-twiddling (curse you MIDI Variable-Length Quantity!) that's so easy in Turbo Pascal is far from obvious using Python's arbitrary-precision integers. Scanning the forums I soon found a GNU-licensed library by Mark Conway Wirt that does exactly what my old TP one did though, and I was away. Writing the higher level parts proved a revelation. Python's powerful dynamic sequence types the tuple, the list and the dictionary, enabled me to do away with fixed-length arrays and memory allocation altogether, and let me completely redesign the system.

The raw materials of my music remain strings representing sequences of pitch, time, duration and volume values, but now my top-level primitive called MIDIseq.phrase sucks in four such strings, like a ribosome chewing RNA, and chops them up into 4-tuples which are far more efficient and flexible for further processing. All of a sudden, thanks merely to a different set of data structures, my long-range structure problems went away: both horizontal (melody) and vertical (harmony) structures are now essentially without limit. I can write functions to generate random strings, reverse them, invert them, mix and combine them, even evolve them. Python's lambda functions let me generate novel musical scales and apply them on the fly, while iterators offer a fabulously compact way to encode long stretches of melody.

I could hardly be more impressed by this text-book example of what the more savvy computer scientists have been telling us for decades, namely that programs equal algorithms plus data structures, not just algorithms. This deep truth is in serious danger of being lost nowadays, partly thanks to some of the truly awful languages the market has foisted upon us, and partly due to the TED generation's rather naive awe about algorithms. In popular journalism algorithms are all we ever hear about: Google's new search algorithm, the latest AI algorithms, what's the algorithm for a conscious robot, and worse inanities. What neuroscience actually teaches us about the way the brain works is that it's hardly an algorithmic engine at all, and depends rather little on sequential processing. It's really more like a big, soft, fatty mass of fabulously clever data structures. But enough of that, back to my "Contracerto in Z Flat Minor"...

[Dick Pountain is sorely tempted to enter an Internet Of Things fridge for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest]


Dick Pountain/ Idealog 257/ 04 December 2015 09:34

During those awful last weeks of November 2015, with the bombing of a Russian passenger jet, the Paris shootings and the acrimonious debate over UK airstrikes in Syria, it was very easy to overlook a small but important news story, an Indonesian report into the loss of AirAsia flight QZ8501. In December 2014 that plane crashed into the Java Sea with loss of all 162 passengers and crew, and recovered "black box" data has enabled investigators to come to a firm, but disturbing, conclusion about the cause. It was what you might call software-assisted human error.

A broken solder joint in the Airbus 320-200's rudder travel limit sensor (probably frost damage) sent a series of error signals that caused the autopilot to turn itself off and forced the crew to take back manual control. Flustered by this series of messages the flight crew made a fatal error: the captain ordered the co-pilot, who had the controls, to "pull down", intending to reduce altitude. It was an ambiguous command which the co-pilot misinterpreted by *pulling* back on the stick, sending QZ8501 soaring up to its maximum height of 38,000 feet followed by a fatally irretrievable stall. The report recommends that international aviation authorities issue a new terminology guide to regularise commands in such emergencies, but I reckon this was a problem of more than just the words. Like all modern jets the Airbus 320 is fly-by-wire, with only electronic links from stick to control surfaces, and in current designs there's little  mechanical feedback through the stick ("haptic" feedback is planned for the next generation, due from 2017). I'd guess that co-pilot received few cues to the enormity of his error by way of his hand on the stick. It's not enough to *be* in control, you have to *feel* in control.

I've been intrigued by the psychology of man-machine interaction ever since I saw ergonomic research by IBM, back in the '80s, that showed that any computer process which takes longer than four seconds to complete without visual feedback makes a user fear that it's broken. That insight lead to all the progress-bars, hour-glasses and spinning hoops we've become so tediously familiar with since. An obscure and controversial branch of psychology called Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) can explain such phenonomena, by contesting the principal dogma of modern psychology, namely that we control our behaviour by responding directly to external stimuli (fundamental to both old-style Behaviourism and newer Cognitive versions). PCT says we don't directly control our behaviour at all, we modify our *perceptions* of external stimuli through subconcious negative feedback loops that then indirectly modify our behaviour.

A classic example might be riding a bike: you don't estimate the visual angle of the frame from vertical and then adjust your posture to fit, you minimise your feeling of falling by continuously and unconsciously adjusting posture. Similar mechanisms apply to all kinds of actions and learning processes and I was easy to convince because from childhood I've always hated skating (roller, ice, skiing), but I still love riding motorbikes at speed. There's no contradiction: when skating my feet feel out of control, whereas when biking they don't. Just some quirk of my inner ear. However this all has some fairly important consequences for current debates about robotics, and driverless cars in particular.  

The recent spate of celebrity doom-warnings about AI and robot domination are all directed against current assumptions that fully autonomous machines and vehicles are both desirable and inevitable. But maybe they're neither? The sad fate of AirAsia QZ8501 suggests both that over-reliance on the autopilot is severely reducing the ability of human crews to respond to emergencies, and also that it would be good to simulate the sort of mechanical feedback that pilots of old received through the stick, so they instinctively feel when they're steering into danger. All autonomous machines should be fitted, by law, with full manual-override that permits actual (or, grudgingly, simulated) mechanical control. Boosters of driverless cars will retort that computers react far faster than humans and can be programmed to drive more responsibly, which is quite true until they go wrong, which they will. Perhaps we need at last to augment Isaac Asimov's three laws of robotics:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
4. A robot must if instructed drop dead, even where such an order conflicts with the First, Second, and Third Laws.

[Dick Pountain believes that any application vendor whose progress-bar sticks at 99% for more than four seconds should suffer videoed beheading]


Dick Pountain /Idealog 360/ 07 Jul 2024 11:12 Astute readers <aside class=”smarm”> which of course to me means all of you </aside...